Online Tombstone (Free Shipping)
Black Granite, shipping packaging
30" x 19" x 10"
This work is an attempt at memorializing the virtuality of myself following the art historical theme of death and mortality as subject matter through memento mori. It was created and bought through an online distributer of tombstones and designed with their online template. Instead of my name, I have engraved a of my personal website, included acronyms and SMS messages that describe me such as 2G2B4G (Too Good To Be Forgotten), CF (Coffee Freak) and a simple epitaph: ONL 4EVA, RIYL, which translates to Online Forever, Recommend If You Like. The granite tombstone becomes an interface between the physical and virtual life by using new lexicons that have evolved within technological experience, while being displayed in its shipping packaging touches on the economy of its creation.