Diathermy Feedback Loop
3D animation, sound, diathermy machine, 3D print
Dimensions variable
Diathermy Feedback Loop was part of my residency capstone and solo show The Practical Applications of Networks to the Body at the International Museum of Surgical Science.
For a more in depth description about the references/inspiration/research surrounding the work in the show and my residency, see the blog post I wrote for the museum here :)
The work in the show considers the hand as the main means of data creation, as it is the central body part used to generate labor and interact with networks, but also to interact with the local area network set up in the show. Initializing this local feedback network and its relationship to the hand/body, Diathermy Feedback Loop features a 3D scan of a hand interfaced with a diathermy machine while being shocked and paralyzed over and over again. The feedback loop is affecting the body, but it comes back for more. In dialog with the video the actual diathermy machine that's part of the museum's collection is displayed with a 3D print of the scanned hand, referencing both the hand and machine's physical presence. This same hand scan is featured in another animation on another device from the museum's collection called the NeuroTouch simulator in the piece Surface Analysis.